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Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 6, 2014

Stalin và quân đội người lai giống đười ươi - Stalin’s ape-man Superwarriors

 Lãnh đạo Cộng sản : những tên điên của thế kỷ !
 Stalin’s ape-man Superwarriors
Nguồn : FB

Zana , 1 phụ nữ Nga mà người ta tin là nửa đười ươi nửa người , sống hoang dã trong rừng , mình mẩy đầy lông và rất cao lớn , rất khỏe . Bà ta đã bị bắt đem về làng và được dùng để làm những công việc nặng vì có sức khỏe đặc biệt . Bà giao cấu với người và đẻ ra 4 đứa con , đứa nào cũng cao lớn và có sức khỏe như bà .
Khi nghe câu chuyện này , Stalin đã nảy ra ý định sẽ thành lập 1 quân đội toàn bằng người lai giống với đười ươi . Một quân đội như vậy sẽ rất khỏe mạnh , có sức kinh người , không biết đau , không biết sợ và đặc biệt là tuyệt đối trung thành . Với 1 quân đội như vậy Stalin sẽ dễ dàng đánh chiếm cả thế giới , biến cả thế giới thành cộng sản .
Một thế giới đại đồng mà tất cả đều theo cộng sản là giấc mơ của mỗi lãnh tụ CS , từ Lenin đến Stalin , đến Mao và cả Hồ Chí Minh . 

Humanzee : Documentary on Stalin's Experimentation to Create and Army of Ape-Men

Một người bình thường khi nghĩ đến việc tạo ra 1 loại người lai khỉ để làm quân đội phục vụ cho mình thì sẽ thấy kinh hoàng ớn lạnh , nhưng với lãnh đạo CS thì đây là điều rất tốt . Họ không có đạo đức , không có đức tin , không bị bất cứ 1 điều gì ràng buộc , họ sẵn sàng làm tất cả để đạt được mục đích . 
Năm 1926 Stalin cấp cho giáo sư Ilya Ivanov , chuyên gia về sinh sản của súc vật , 1 món tiền khổng lồ là 120 000 đô Mỹ , để chế tạo cho Stalin 1 loại người mới . " Loại người này phải to lớn , khỏe mạnh , không dễ bệnh hoạn , dễ nuôi , chịu ăn thức ăn rẻ tiền và không biết đau " Stalin ra lệnh cho Ivanov . Đồng thời Stalin cho xây 1 trang trại ở George , để chuẩn bị nuôi dạy cho loại người này thành quân lính trung thành cho mình .

Ngoài ra Stalin cũng tuyên bố , thí nghiệm này thành công thì Stalin sẽ chứng minh cho nhà thờ Thiên Chúa Giáo thấy rằng hắn mới là đức chúa trời , vì hắn có thể tạo ra 1 loài người mới !
Giáo sư Ilya Ivanov sang Châu Phi và thực hành nhiều thí nghiệm cấy tinh trùng người vào những con đười ươi cái . Nhưng thí nghiệm không thành . Ông bèn trở về Nga và thực hành thí nghiệm cấy tinh trùng đười ươi vào tử cung phụ nữ Nga ! Vô cùng may mắn là ông ta cũng không thành công .
Sau 2 năm Ivanov vẫn thất bại trong thí nghiệm của mình khiến Stalin nổi giận . Stalin bèn chụp mũ cho ông giáo sư này là có âm mưu phản quốc , ra lệnh bắt và kết án tù 5 năm . Ilya Ivanov chết trong tù vì tai biến mạch máu não .
Đến năm 2005 , một chuyên gia khoa học Nga tìm tòi trong các hồ sơ mật của bộ chính trị Nga mới tìm thấy tài liệu này và đem công bố cho thế giới biết .
Lãnh tụ CS , tên nào cũng điên và tàn ác như nhau . Chúng coi con người như cỏ rác và coi người dân không hơn súc vật , chỉ là công cụ cho chúng sử dụng để đạt mục đích ghê tởm và khùng điên của chúng .
Chủ nghĩa CS là cơn ác mộng có thật của nhân loại !
Khốn nạn cho dân tộc VN phải chịu cái nạn này !


Stalin’s ape-man Superwarriors

Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov pictured shortly after his African mission.
Joseph Stalin (1878-1953)
Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin wanted to rebuild the Red Army, in the mid-1920s, with Planet-of-the-Apes-style troops by crossing humans with apes. This was according to a report in The Scotsman newspaper on 20 December 2005.1
The report claimed that Stalin ordered Russia’s top animal-breeding scientist, Ilya Ivanov, to use his skills to produce a super warrior. Stalin is said to have told Ivanov, ‘I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat.’2 In 1926, the Politburo in Moscow passed this request to build a ‘living war machine’ on to the Academy of Sciences, who engaged Ivanov and sent him to West Africa with many thousands of dollars to conduct experiments in impregnating chimpanzees by artificial insemination. In the USSR, a centre was set up in Georgia, Stalin’s birthplace, for the ‘apes’ to be raised.
Ivanov’s experiments in Africa were a total failure. Further experiments in Georgia to use monkey sperm in human volunteers also failed. Ivanov was now in disgrace. For his expensive failure, he was sentenced to five years’ jail, commuted to five years’ exile in Kazakhstan, where he died in 1932, aged 61.1
The authors of the above report do not give any references other than unspecified ‘recently uncovered secret documents’, ‘Moscow archives’ and ‘Moscow newspapers’.1 So how much truth is there in it?

Some known facts

According to Encyclopaedia Britannica3 and Wikipedia,4 Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov was born in Russia in 1870. He graduated from the Kharkov University in 1896 and became a full professor in 1907. A veterinary researcher, he perfected artificial insemination and its first use for horse breeding. This process allowed one stallion to fertilize up to 500 mares, far more than the 20–30 by natural means. These results were sensational for their time (c. 1901). He also pioneered the experimental use of artificial insemination to produce hybrids of domestic animals and their wild varieties.5 He was one of the first scientists to obtain a zorse6 by crossbreeding a zebra with a Przewalski’s horse.7
The WWII Allied leaders, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, at the Yalta Conference, 1945.
The WWII Allied leaders, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, at the Yalta Conference, 1945.
In 1910, he gave a presentation at the World Congress of Zoologists in Graz, Austria, on the possibility of creating a human-ape hybrid.8 In 1924, he obtained permission from the Pasteur Institute in Paris to use its experimental primate station in Kindia, French Guinea, for such an experiment. He sought backing for this from the Soviet Government. Finally in 1925 he obtained US$10,000 from the Academy of Sciences for his experiments in Africa.
It turned out that there were no sexually mature chimpanzees in Kindia, and so, in 1926, he obtained permission from French Guinea’s colonial governor to work at the botanical gardens in Conakry. Here Ivanov artificially inseminated three chimpanzees. All three failed to become pregnant. He returned to the Soviet Union, where further planned experiments also failed.
Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov pictured shortly after his African mission.
Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov pictured shortly after his African mission.
In 1930, Ivanov came under ‘political criticism’ during the ‘Great Purge’ and was arrested. He was sentenced to five years’ exile in Alma Ata, Kazakh S.S.R. (now Almaty, Kazakhstan), where he worked for the Kazakh Veterinary-Zoology Institute until his death from a stroke on March 20, 1932. The famous psychologist and dog researcher, Ivan Pavlov, wrote an obituary about him.


Stalin undoubtedly knew of his world-famous compatriot’s project. US$10,000 would have been an enormous sum in those days, and it would have been hugely prudent for anyone to have obtained ‘approval from the top’ before allocating so much on such a bizarre experiment. Dictator Stalin, a passionate atheist, based upon his belief in evolution,9 was quite capable of envisaging the use of the technology, should it prove successful, to produce slave hybrid warriors. And, because of his evolutionary materialism, he would have had no moral compunctions.10
But was he also ashamed to think that any hybrid creature produced with his own sperm would be his ‘child’?
Ivanov shared his master’s belief in evolution. If evolution were true, humans and apes would be closely related. So the idea that they could interbreed would not have seemed outlandish.11 In Africa, Ivanov did not use his own sperm (or that of his son, who was with him),4 but that of local natives.12 No doubt he believed the widely held Darwinian racist view that Africans were closer to apes in their ancestry than he, a Caucasian, was. But was he also ashamed to think that any hybrid creature produced with his own sperm would be his ‘child’?
From a biblical viewpoint, no such natural human-ape hybrid is possible. God made man in the image of God, not in the image of an ape. People have a spiritual dimension, involving our ability to worship God. God does not, and will not, share His likeness with an ape. Unlike our suggestion concerning Ivanov, God is not ashamed, but pleased, to be our Father and to call us His ‘children’13—when we put our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour from sin.
Soviet Communist Party propaganda poster, featuring Stalin as a benevolent figure. The caption reads ‘Beloved Stalin is the people’s happiness’. In contrast, Stalin was one of the world's cruel and most brutal figures, who seemed to see killing people as no different to mowing a lawn. 10
Stalin, Lenin and Kalinin at the 8th Communist Party Congress in 1919.

Reader feedback: Stalin’s ape-men experiment had anti-God motives

I appreciated ‘Stalin’s Ape-Man Super Warriors’ because it offered more insight into something I read years ago about the same subject. At the time, I wondered if it was true, and looked for independent confirmation to no avail—until now. What I read years ago was a brief reference to Prof. Ivanov’s African expedition in a book called The Rabbit King of Russia. This book was written by Mr R.G. Urch, correspondent for the London Times for Russia and the Baltic states in the 1920s and 1930s. The book was written around 1940, and has fictional dialogue, but follows the career of a very real man, who was a Soviet bureaucrat travelling about Russia to bring more food to the people through rabbit culture. Many of the book’s incidents are footnoted by contemporary newspaper references. The details of the Ivanov expedition were the same in this book as in your article—taking place in 1925, financed by $10,000 US dollars (I would really like to know who gave them the money), and working through the French research station. Mr Urch also footnoted the episode with two Leningrad newspaper articles dated 27 November and 5 December 1925. Here are some interesting quotes from his book:
‘The whole revolting idea is nothing more nor less than to prove that men and animals are one, that religion is wrong, that there is no God.’
‘(She) had been indignant from the first about the Soviet Government’s efforts to create a race of man-monkey or monkey-man to ‘throw into the face of churchmen’, as the Bolshevist leaders put it.’
‘The task of the Ivanov expedition was simple. It was to go to the Congo and, if possible, induce the French Pasteur station working there under Professor Calmette to assist the Bolshevist scientists to catch a number of female chimpanzee apes. After this, Ivanov and his staff would endeavor to fertilize the apes by artificial methods and bring back the mothers with their little human apes to gladden the hearts of the anti-God Society in Soviet Russia and prove that “There is no God.”’
Mr Urch also says that the following year a circumstantial report was current in Moscow that the steamer bearing Ivanov’s ‘interesting female apes’ had been lost with all hands in the Black Sea. The expedition seems to have been a failure that the Bolsheviks did not wish to acknowledge.
It’s important to realize that this perversely unethical attempt to breed ape-human hybrids has already been tried at least once by the enemies of God, without success. This gives a fitting background to current efforts to make man and ape look genetically similar.


  1. Stephen C. and Hall, A., Stalin’s half-man, half-ape super warriors,, 2 August 2006. Return to text.
  2. ‘And there was intense pressure to find a new labour force, particularly one that would not complain, with Russia about to embark on its first Five-Year Plan for fast track industrialisation.’ (Ref. 1.) Return to text.
  3. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 6:441, 1992. Return to text.
  4. Wikipedia,, 2 August 2006. Return to text.
  5. His objective was to develop new breeds more resistant to illness and the harsh Russian winters (ref. 3). Return to text.
  6. See also Catchpoole, D., Zenkey, zonkey, zebra donkey! Creation 26(3):56, 2004. Return to text.
  7. See Bell, P., Resurrecting a ‘prehistoric’ horse, Creation 26(2):46–51, 2004. Return to text.
  8.,, 2 August 2006. Return to text.
  9. E.g. Hall, R., Darwin’s Impact, Creation 27(2):46–47, 2005. Return to text.
  10. This follows from evolutionary presuppositions; like grass (our evolutionary cousin), we are supposedly just one more rearrangement of matter. Return to text.
  11. See also Wieland, C., The strange case of the ‘Humanzee’: the incredible story of Oliver, the alleged ‘ape-human hybrid’, Creation 28(1):42–43, 2005. Return to text.
  12. Rossiianov, K., Beyond species: Il’ya Ivanov and his experiments on cross-breeding humans with anthropoid apes, Science in Context 15(2):277–316, 2002. Return to text.
  13. John 1:12; Romans 8:14–17; Philippians 2:15; 1 John 3:1–2, Hebrews 2:11, 11:16. Return to text.
(Available in Russian)

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